Enrolment for RPL

The process used to assess RPL may take the following forms which are not mutually exclusive

  • Participation in exactly the same or modified versions of the assessment unit (i.e. recognition of a current competency;
  • Assessment based on a portfolio of evidence;
  • Direct observation of demonstration of skill or competency;
  • Reflective papers, journals or portfolios that relate past learning to the learning or competency outcomes of the current course or qualification;
  • Provision of examples of your work drawn from the workplace, social, community or other setting which you apply yuour learning, skill or competence;
  • Testimonials (third party reports) of learning, skill or competency and cominations of any fo the above. one or two paragraphs describing your product or services. 
  • Ensure that you provide certified copies of all qualifications and certificates.
  • Think about who can confirm your skill level.  Think about current or recent supervisors who have seen your work in the past 18 months and will be able to confirm your skills.  Your assessor will need to contact them.  You may also have community contacts or even clients themselves who can vouch for your skill level.
  • If appropriate and possible the assessor may conduct a practical skills test at your workplace or at another suitable venue.  This, again, is an opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence.  This assessment will be focussed on skills that are required in the qualification.  
  • RPL students are required to undertake 3 full units of competency, BAS/IAS, Payroll and OHS and the balance of the qualification is to provide evidence in support of RPL.  When we find gaps in evidence, the student undertakes a challenge task assessment.


First Name *

Middle Names

Family Name (surname)

Email address *

Date of Birth *

Gender *

BIA Student number [If known]

Unique Student identifier [not associated with BIA student number]

Professional Memberships and Year joined

Professional Referees (at least 2), Name, Position, Organisation, Email, address and phone numbers. State relevance to your work situation. *

Mobile Phone

Building/property name

Flat/unit details

Street or lot number (e.g. 205 or Lot 118)

Street name

Suburb, locality or town *



Postal delivery information (e.g. PO Box 254) (copy)

Flat/unit details (copy)

Street or lot number (e.g. 205 or Lot 118) (copy)

Street name (copy)

Suburb, locality or town (copy)

State/territory (copy)

Postcode (copy)

In which country were you born

City of Birth *

Country of Citizenship

Australian Citizenship Status

Do you speak a language other than English at home?

How well do you speak English

Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin

Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long-term condition *

If you indicated the presence of a disability, impairment or long-term condition, please select the area(s) in the following list

Special Learning Needs, Language, Literacy and Numeracy requirements.Do you have any individual learning needs that may affect your ability to participate in this course *

What is your highest COMPLETED school level

In which YEAR did you complete that school level

Are you still attending secondary school

Have you SUCCESSFULLY completed any of the following qualifications

Please provide your qualifications [if applicable]

Which BEST describes your current employment status

Which BEST describes your main reason for undertaking this course: traineeship/apprenticeship

How did you find us? *

What is your occupation?

Industry of Employment (ANZSIC)

Course selection

Documents required (to be emailed and verified if required)

Contact Name


Contact number

Do you agree to the terms and conditions? *